Tuesday, 27 May 2014

EU IV Portugal AAR Part 25 – 1640-1650

1640-1650 King Filipe II, Part 2

A slight change of format for this update. With my colonial interests ever growing, it becomes more and more tricky to report on my expansion in a sensible and meaningful way that isn't just a picture of a random island. So in future, I will just put a little section at the end of each update reporting important colonial matters, and make a bigger report at the 50 year intermission.

Anyway, on with the show. In October 1641, the Ottomans conclude their war with Yemen, taking the province of Asir

July 1642, and Kilwa finally likes us enough to become a Protectorate. We now have protectorates running down the length of East Africa

In September of 1642 the Ottomans embargo us. This is looking ominous!

In the meantime, however, we unlock the final Quantity Idea, reducing the cost of Artillery. This gives us the bonus for completing the Quantity group, which is an increase in our force limits by 33%.... very useful!

Ah, now this is an interesting choice... diplomatic technology unlocks trade bonuses and new ship types. A 10% reduction in tech cost amounts to a year’s worth of diplomatic power with our current dimwit of a King, and 10% increase on ship costs is manageable with our buoyant economy

In June 1645 our fears are finally confirmed. The Ottomans declare war on Hedjaz, in order to link their southern Arabian province with the rest of their territory. If we don’t oppose the Ottomans here they will only get stronger and stronger. However, the Ottomans are military tech 19, and we are only tech 16, as we have spent a lot of military power on the Quantity Idea group in the last few decades. This puts us at a significant disadvantage!

The Ottomans’ allies do not join their war, which is good for us. We call our faithful allies, Morocco and Austria, to Arms. Both say yes.... phew!

As Papal Controller we also have another ace up our sleeve.... Crusade! We declare a Crusade against the Ottomans. This works differently to a Crusade in Crusade Kings II, in that declaring a Crusade in EUIV does not automatically send out a Call to Arms to all Catholic nations. It does, however, give a big boost to any Catholic nations at war with the nation that is the focus of the Crusade.

Austria is going to be our backbone in this war, as they match the Ottomans in military tech level, and have the bonuses of Crusading!

The first action comes in September, when our fleet of 20 Galleases meet up with 6 Austrian Frigates and attack a small Ottoman fleet. The Ottomans have a huge navy, bigger than mine, so trying to pick off smaller fleets such as this one will be the only way to gain naval supremacy. The good news is, however, that the Ottomans have no naval presence outside the Med, so our transport and trade fleets will be able to shuttle back and forth around our Empire free from worry.

The battle ends in victory, with only 1 Austrian ship being lost, and the entire Ottoman fleet is sent to the bottom

By March 1646 our land forces are starting to come together from around the Empire. Austria is marching all of its forces overland towards Turkey, and so will take care of the northern front. Morocco is getting its backside handed to it in the west, and I plan to take care of the Southern front. I’m hoping that Morocco will be a big diversion for the Ottoman forces, tying up a significant percentage in pointless battles and sieges. I will engage and disengage as necessary to keep another big percentage of the Ottomans tied down, whilst Austria does the heavy lifting, hopefully taking Constantinople
We engage a small siege force in Aden with 36k troops in March

Annihilating them for little loss. A good start!

That’s handy! In May 1646 we get a Royal Marriage with the Incans, who have happily been converted to Catholicism by the Castilians. I have a plan for them!

June 1646, and our main army of 48k troops is trying to recapture Mocha, when a force of 72k Ottomans appears! We have defensive bonuses and terrain on our side, limiting their advantage, but it will be a close battle!

Unfortunately, sheer weight of numbers tells and we are defeated, although they lose 5,000 more troops than we do

In August 1646 we take Admin tech 19, which has no bearing on the war effort at all!

The second major naval battle of the war takes place later in the month, with 67 allied ships facing off against 47 Ottoman

Unfortunately, halfway through the battle the enemy receives 91 reinforcement ships, including 22 modern Galleons and 24 Galleases, and our fate is sealed. This effectively ends our ability to contest the Mediterranean. The Ottomans have won the naval war!

However, on land things are coming along nicely. The huge stack that the Ottomans diverted into Arabia to deal with my troops has left the door open for Austria to lay siege to half of the northern part of the Ottoman territories, in the ancient areas of Thrace and Anatolia

Morocco is also doing its job, diverting the attention of 40k Ottomans. We currently have 24k troops still in Portugal, and are awaiting our transport fleets to arrive from the Indian Ocean to move them into North Africa

Meanwhile, by October 1646, the Ottomans have split their Arabian force, but have retained almost 70k troops in the area. Good, you keep them there whilst I reorganise. In the meantime, Austria will rack up the warscore

In December 1646, our plan for Inca moves into the next phase, as they agree to become our vassal. This will enable us to annex them diplomatically in about 10 years, giving us enough cored provinces in the region to create Portuguese colonial Peru.

Our forces reorganise and advance back into Arabia in the spring of 1647. By this time, the Ottomans have recognised the danger in the north, and start to move their forces up to meet the Austrians. We charge forward, picking off siege forces as we go. We engage a large force of 24k Ottomans up on the Syrian coast in July

Giving them a beating, albeit a Pyrrhic one!

My advance gets the attention of the Ottomans, who proceed to chase me down the Red Sea coast with 54k troops returning from Anatolia

In April 1648, we manage to recapture Mocha before the Ottomans arrive, and hightail it south to preserve our army

Our many land battles has given our armies a morale boost

And this leads us to be a little bit cocky with our 24k army from mainland Portugal. Landing in Africa it engages in a defensive battle alongside 8k Moroccan allies, against 44k Ottomans. Unfortunately, we fight on a big wide open plain, where the enemy can use his superior numbers effectively

We lose 15k troops (8k Moroccans and 7k Portuguese) to 18k Ottomans, but retire from the field defeated

In Arabia in September 1648, we take the field for another sortie, this time into Egypt

Unfortunately, we lose heavily and are forced to retire. By this stage we have used up over half of our available manpower in reserves

The Ottomans turn their attention northwards over the winter of 1648, giving us enough time to regroup and recapture Mecca

By the start of the spring campaign in 1649, our allied strategy has worked well. Although half of Morocco is in enemy hands, their provinces are worth essentially nothing to the warscore. Meanwhile, the Ottomans have had their initial gains in Arabia recaptured by my forces, and the Austrian have gone to town in the north, occupying all of Thrace except Constantinople, and half a dozen provinces in Anatolia

In May of 1649 Morocco capitulates to the Ottomans, losing no territory, but annulling their treaty with us and paying a load of cash. In a rage I forget to take a screenshot, as this strands 24k of my troops in Tangiers, requiring me to divert my transport fleets to evacuate them.

As a result we are forced to implement our next major sortie into Arabia, to divert Ottoman forces for long enough that the Austrians can complete the siege of Constantiople. We engage in a defensive battle in the Negev desert

Winning it decisively, losing fewer than 6,000 troops to the enemy’s 13,000

Our diplomatic tech level increases in July, and we now have access to the same ship types that the Ottomans have

Over the next few months we hound the Ottoman forces all the way to Iraq
Continuing to inflict heavy defeats. This is taking a toll on our reserve levels, with our manpower down to less than a third of our pre-war levels

WTF!?! I don’t believe it! Our heir, who, if you remember, had really good stats, dies at the age of 16 in February 1650...

Our trapped Moroccan troops are recovered and sent to west Africa, to deal with the Ottoman forces who have marched south from Morocco

Whilst the battle is underway, Austria gets itself into a war with Prussia, and decides to call it quits against the Ottomans in June, taking no land, but forcing the Ottomans to release Albania, Bulgaria and Trebizond as sovereign states.

This is my cue to send a peace offer to the Ottomans, as I can’t fight the war alone! Fortunately, we have enough warscore to force the Ottomans to cede Asir to me (the province that caused the whole problem in the first place!) and also release Tripoli as a sovereign state. They also give us a fair wedge of cash!

The Ottomans have been successfully defeated, albeit it took the combined might of two of the world’s superpowers to do it! Although they are still a superpower, they have lost about 10 provinces in the peace deals, and we forced them to use up their entire manpower reserve.

Finally, for this update, in November 1650, Venice declares war on the Ottomans... They better have some strong allies... if they do, our war with the Ottomans could have spelled their doom... if they don't, well, they're screwed!

So, what did we learn from our five year war with another superpower?

Firstly, we cannot afford to lag behind in military tech again! Our tech disparity forced us into fighting a purely defensive campaign, relying on Austria to do most of the heavy lifting. In a solo war we would have lost heavily. Fortunately, I have no need to take any more military Idea groups, so we should start to catch up over the next few years.

Secondly, our navy is superb for trade purposes, but we don’t have nearly enough heavy vessels. Rebuilding the fleet along combat lines is a priority.

Thirdly, our economy is strong enough to deal with multiple colonies and military construction requirements during wartime, without having to raise war taxes.

The colonies

Almost apologetically, we should note:
Menade became self-sustaining in1641 – the whole of the island of Sulawesi is now mine and self-sustaining. Our expansion into the East Indies continues!

New Zealand – Having taken Australia, in Feb 1642 our first colonists arrive on the North Island of NZ. By 1646 we have 1 self-sustaining province and 3 other colonies in NZ, and by 1650 we have colonies in every NZ province.

April 1644 – Micronesia becomes self-sustaining, and our ring of south Pacific islands comes closer to completion

August 1644 – island of Buru to the east of Sulawesi becomes self-sustaining

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