Monday, 12 May 2014

EU IV Portugal AAR Part 18a - 1576-1590 - Colonisation

I’m breaking down this update into two parts. The first will look at colonisation, and the second will look at war. Portugal’s prime ambitions are trade based, and as such colonisation is the focus of our game. But there are times when we arrive somewhere to find that someone else already lives there, and won’t let us in.... First, though, the colonial bit...

1576-1590 King Felipe I, Part 4 – Continental adventures

As far as colonisation goes, we focussed our efforts on 3 areas in roughly five year chunks.
Initially, our focus was on completing our colonies in South America, to block off Castilian access to the interior of the continent. By 1577, as shown in the picture below, we had colonies in the coastal areas, and by 1580, both ourselves and the Castilians had completed our rapid expansion phase

Following on from the South America phase, our attention turned to the Indies and the newly discovered Pacific Ocean islands, as we sought to expand our colonial range and provide bases for further exploration. We even took a mission to expand our trade power in Malacca, to focus our attention

Hawaii was discovered in 1575, but not yet settled

Cocos Island in the Eastern Indian Ocean became self-sustaining in 1578

Followed by Nauru (to the north east of Papua New Guinea and the Solomons, near Micronesia) in 1580.

Whilst our colonists are busy over to the east, we notice with some alarm that France have taken a province in Namibia... does this mean that they have ambitions in the Indian Ocean?

Well, we can’t have that now can we! The Indian Ocean is going to be our lake. We immediately start sending our colonists to the next obvious place for French expansion... Madagascar. As you can see from this picture taken in 1580, all three provinces in Madagascar are currently being settled by us, and the French have a second territory in Namibia.

There are only two islands in the Indian Ocean that are not Portuguese, one off the coast of Yemen (Socotra, owned by Yemen), and an uncolonised chain to the east of the Bay of Bengal, the Andamans. The picture below lists these two in yellow, plus all of our island holdings in orange...

By 1584, we somewhat crazily have 5 colonies on the go, and are losing money quite dramatically out of our treasury. But it’s all in a good cause. Our current colonies are 3 in Madagascar, the Maldives, and this circled one in South Africa, which will block the French from moving inland.

By 1590, all five of those colonies are self-sustaining, and we have shifted our focus back to Indonesia, and are colonising three provinces on the island of Java

Meanwhile, by 1580, South America looked like this. The interior of the continent, south of the Amazonian wasteland, is entirely blocked off from everyone apart from the Incas! Castile has shifted its focus to the north of the continent

By 1584, Castile had a new colonial subject nation, Colombia, and would continue expanding towards Panama and to the south west in the years to come.

North America has also seen some activity. France has a colonial nation, the wonderfully named Cosmopolitaine Mexico, and has also taken Manhattan and the surrounding provinces. Castile has a couple of provinces near the Mississippi delta. The big player though is Great Britain, who has taken most of the Eastern seaboard, and is only a step or two away from creating its first colonial nation, the Thirteen Colonies. They also have 4 provinces up in Nova Scotia. Interestingly, Norway is being diplomatically annexed by Great Britain, and as it stands in 1601 GB will inherit a couple of Floridian provinces, a couple of provinces in Newfoundland, and Iceland, massively increasing their foreign holdings.

And that's it for the colonisation update.... next up we will look at what happens when we need to take trade power the old fashioned way... with the bayonet!

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