Friday, 22 November 2013

We are Legion

The emperor is a genius, and a fool. He saw that humanities was at its strongest when it had a violent purpose, with a fight to pursue. It makes us strong, kills the weak, and bonds us together in a brotherhood peace never could. The Emperors Great Crusade is the crucible in which humanity has grown. But what will happen once the war has won. Does the Emperor not realise that we, as a race, will grow soft, and fat, and weak, ripe to be destroyed by those we call defeated. The only option, once the last of the galaxy is under the flag of the Imperium, is to fight one another, and we could stayed on Terra for that. - Accredited to the censured Remembrancer Christoph Alexandreous.

Greeting internet. So this is the start of my XXth legion. Rather like Facmanpob's First Legion, they are of uncertain loyalties, but where the Dark Angels are (considered) loyalists, the Alpha Legion are considered traitors. What the truth is, only the black library knows. So when I started this model I wanted to roll that into the model, his plain armour and covered face, and hidden weapons hide his intentions and give him a menacing look, yet his neutral pose is opposite how traitors are usually portrayed.

For a first post this model is perfect as he really introduces me. He is WIP, and has been for around 2 weeks. Hopefully this blog will focus me to not only finish him, but add some more Legionnaires. But then I also gave Imperial Guard to put together and I've just acquired a bucket lodes of Orks so who knows. Alpharius probably....

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