In case you've read Gedeal's story, here, you may have been wondering if I had painted any of the characters involved. In actual fact, I have.

The first character to appear in the story is, unsurprisingly, Gedeal himself, shown here in modified Scout armour and cameleoline cloak. The armour used by the Guardians of the Covenant scouts varies depending both on the mission being undertaken, and also how far advanced through their training they are, with more experienced scouts being given access to more powerful and rarer weapon systems and armour.
The miniature itself is part of the Anvil Industry Black Ops Sniper Recon Team, which is one of the best miniature sets I've painted. The base is by Fantascape.
The other main characters appearing in the story are Chronicler Zianor
and Chaplain Attaris. I have modelled these using miniatures available
in the Limited Edition version of the Dark Vengeance set by Games
Workshop. The Chaplain is on the decorative base he came with, whilst
the Librarian is on a base of my own concoction.
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