So 15 months after I last managed to finish the painting of a model, I have finally completed the Word Bearer. Huzzah.
He is not perfect, but I am really happy how he came out. I would of liked slightly more of the darker brown-red to have remained, and been a bit neater with the hello high lights, but I can work on that. Not sure on the eyes, think they may need a bit more yellow. The base was meant to look like grey dust and ash from a dying city (Imperial Palace of Terra :) ) but the weathering powders I used came out darker. Again, I can work on it on future models.
The axe is very meh.mi was trying to give a purple sheen but it didn't work. Not really sure how to fix it, and tbh, have little enthusiasm to. It's something that can be fixed later. The shoulder lad has the chapter symbol. The chapters are named after star constellations, and I thought this looked sort of space. Kind of think it may be the way a more primitive people might depict they Eye of Terror. Now, I know from First Heretic, the Word Bearers had no idea what the Eye of Terror was, but the old faith may have an ancient understanding of it. Haven't got a name for the chapter yet though. Chapter of the Golden Eye, Chapter of the Gods Eye? Not sure.
Like the axe, the knife was an experiment gone wrong. It's supposed to represent a tainted weapon and I wanted a natural looking weapon, like stone, again, have little energy to go back and work on it at the mo, so will be done at a later date. Another thing I want to work on is my small scripts looks messy but I am sure I will get better as time passes.
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