Wednesday, 30 April 2014

EU IV Portugal AAR Part 12 - 1500-1514

1500-1514 King Joao II de Avis, Part 3

Our King is awesome.... he’s been sitting on the throne for 40 years as an adult by 1514, and about 14 years prior to that with a Regency Council!

I’m going to do something different with this update. Rather than do things chronologically, I’m going to split it into sections, and talk about each section for the whole period covered. Let me know if you prefer it or not.
The individual sections covered will be:

Technology and Ideas
Other Government Functions

Monday, 28 April 2014

EU IV Portugal AAR Part 11 - 1488-1499

1488 - 1499 King Joao II de Avis, Part 2

Taking a look at our technological advancement we see that we are at level 7 for Administrative and Military tech, but a mere level 4 in Diplomatic tech. The average advancement for 1488 should be 7/7/7, with level 8 coming around 1490. Administratively, we are nearly at level 8, so we are on track there, but our military tech is starting to lag a little as we push more diplomatic power into the Offensive Idea group. Our diplomatic tech level is, however, abysmal. This is entirely due to us prioritising diplomatic power into the Exploration Idea group, which we have now almost finished. I think this serves to highlight just how much trading off you have to make in this game, which personally I like very much!

Friday, 25 April 2014

EU IV Portugal AAR Part 10 - 1474-1488

1474-1488 King Joao II de Avis, Part 1

November 1474, and our new King points to North West Africa. “We have had a Cassus Belli on Mali for over a decade. I want that province!”

Thursday, 24 April 2014

EU IV Portugal AAR Part 9 - 1468-1474

Regency 1468-1474

So, its 1468, and we are sitting pretty. With our finances in order we hire a navigator as an advisor, who boosts our diplomatic power and our colonial range. Nice! We also get a mission to colonise Sao Vicente, which is near to Rio de Janeiro. Not the best location in S America, but it’ll do. In February 1469 our colonists arrive and we complete the mission

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

EU IV Portugal AAR Part 8 - 1462-1468

Regency 1462-1468

If you were reading the previous part, you will remember that we finished with our King dying suddenly, leaving a 2 year old heir, and a Regency Council in charge of the country. As usually happens in this circumstance, a pretender to the throne emerges...

In September 1462, Gaspar de Castro decides to have a go at being King, and raises 8000 troops... You rebel scum!

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

EU IV Portugal AAR Part 7

King Afonso V... 1458 - 1462

November 1458, and for the glory of our new King, the Falkland Islands (my favourite place in the world!) are discovered.... we will, of course, be colonising them at some point! :)

Sunday, 20 April 2014

EU IV Portugal Part 6


Do I want this? Well, yes, and no. Yes, because Morocco is a direct neighbour of my colony of Rio De Oro, and the weaker Morocco is the better. No, because at some point I may have to bring Castile down to size, and I don't want them getting too strong in the meantime.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

EU IV Portugal AAR Part 5

Part 5 - Ideas

Let’s discuss Ideas...

In EU IV, Ideas come in two flavours: National Ideas and ‘normal’ Ideas. National Ideas are set, defined bonuses that are automatically unlocked as you advance in administrative tech levels, and provide boosts that add historical flavour to the game. So, Portugal’s National Ideas are maritime and trade orientated, whereas Prussia would have a far more land-based militaristic leaning. The major nations all have pre-defined, individualised National Ideas.

‘Normal’ ideas are also unlocked by advancing in administrative tech levels, but are far more varied in scope, and enable the player to ‘customise’ his country to suit his needs. All western nations start at admin tech level 3, and can unlock tech level 4 at a cost of 600 administrative power. The amount of power needed can be modified by various in-game factors, and indeed for us it is reduced by 5% due to Portugal’s university at Coimbra. Tech level 4 unlocks the first National Idea (giving us a 10% production boost) and also our first ‘normal’ Idea slot

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

EU IV Portugal AAR Part 4

Wow, the action is coming thick and fast....

Having completed our latest mission, and with England done with the Hundred Years War, it’s time to start getting pally with the ally! (Sorry, I know it doesn’t quite rhyme!)

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

EU IV Portugal AAR Part 3

In the last part, we despatched our intrepid explorer fleets to the mercy of the high seas. First to return is Diego Gomes, with tales of new lands in Recife (Brazil) and strangely-shaped vegetable things known as potatoes

Friday, 11 April 2014

EU IV Portugal AAR Part 2

Europa Universalis IV

Portugal AAR.... Part 2

In the first episode, we secured our borders, now we need to cosy up to the Pope. Why? Well, I'm not 100% certain exactly how being friends with the Pope will help, but it's very useful in Crusader Kings II, and as EU IV is the chronological successor to that game, it can't be a bad idea to apply similar logic!

First things first, however. It is about time we used our three explorers wisely, and send them out to explore along the coastline of Africa, and into the Atlantic...

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Europa Universalis IV

To Discover a World... a Portugal AAR

Portugal is in an interesting position in 1444. Situated on the Western tip of Europe, and already holding island territories deep into the Atlantic Ocean, she, along with her Iberian neighbour Castile, is perfectly placed to explore and exploit the unknown lands to the south and west.

Portugal also starts with a major advantage - 3 explorers! Explorers, and their land based counterparts, Conquistadors, are the leaders used to explore the Terra Incognita, the great swathes of the world unknown to Europeans in the mid 15th century. They are not available at game start, and require the unlocking of several 'Exploration Ideas' before they can be recruited. Portugal starts with three of them in her employ.

What we don't have, however, are any colonists. So whilst we can explore, we can't yet colonise.
Portugal's non-mainland territories; from l to r: The Azores, Madeira, Ceuta